Your market will likely have specific guidelines for signage and other marketing materials. They may also have specific rules around the use of specific terms such as organic, natural, sustainable etc. If you are involved in more than one market, be sure to check with each one and develop materials that can be used at all of your market locations as much as possible.
In the current economic situation many people have decided to start growing their own vegetables to save money. In a recent radio show it was reported this may not be true. The cost of fertilizer, plant food, and insecticides plus the time it takes to tend the garden could end up costing more in the long run. In order to get fresher vegetables without the work visit your local farmers market.
Johnnycake. Johnnycake is a Virgin Islands staple. They are not cakes, by the way, and in fact are deep-fried unleavened bread. They are called ‘journey cakes,’ in the old days because they don’t spoil and sour as easily as breads with leavening.
There are several vegetables to choose from. To pick the right plants, check with your local growers. What are the local vegetables they can recommend for the space in your yard as well as the type o soil you have?
And finally, “Mostly plants.” This is the one that really makes my eyes roll. If I had a dime for every time I heard someone say that all you have to do is eat more fruits and vegetables, I’d be a very rich man. Of course plants are an important part of most diets! Everybody knows that. They deliver essential nutrients in the form of minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and so forth. But, let’s get back to common sense for a minute.
locally grown food The food is stored in fridges with very little oxygen or carbon dioxide. Using this method, food can be stored for up to year. The nutritional content changes dramatically when food is stored for a long period of time. The difference in taste is phenomenal. Have you ever tried a tomato that looked ripe and fresh only to find it void of any real flavour?
It sounds rather far-fetched at first that a vegetable or fruit could look and taste the same, but be so lacking in nutrients you need. However, there are several reasons, which most people would never think of. It’s important to know the cause behind something as vital as your own nutrition. You try to eat right, you try to have your ‘required servings’ of fruits and vegetables each day-but what are they really doing for you?