Mushroom Tea Types

Mushroom tea types

Tea is a great way to relax and refresh. Try one that boosts the immune system like Chaga or quietly invigorates, like Cordyceps, for maximum productivity and rejuvenation.

Mushroom Tea is a health trend that offers many nutritional benefits for our bodies. We explore five different varieties of mushrooms tea to see how they may benefit your health.


Reishi is known for its ability in promoting health and longevity. This includes a number of health benefits, including improving blood sugar levels, decreasing stress levels, balancing your hormones, improving the quality of sleep, fighting fatigue, and supporting liver health. Reishi was used by Taoist monks to cultivate peace and tranquility during Zen Buddhism meditation.

Reishi mushrooms are a polypore fungus that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since millennia. Reishi mushrooms are known for their unique appearance, and mysterious properties. Some even call it the “mushrooms of immortality.” Reishi is an antitumor, antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant. It also modulates the immune system.

Reishi offers many powerful health benefits, the most notable of which are beta-glucans – complex sugars that have been shown to inhibit tumor growth and stimulate white blood cells – an immune defense mechanism in the body against disease-causing organisms and abnormal cells. A 2021 review in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology demonstrated how Reishi helped prevent cancer, reduced tumor growth and promoted death among cancerous cells.

Reishi mushroom powder can be used to make tea, capsules, tinctures and other herbal beverages. It can also be added to supplements and herbal beverages directly for an extra dimension of flavor. Reishi is safe for most adults if taken in small amounts. However, too much could interfere with medications or cause adverse effects. Therefore, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider about adding Reishi supplements to your daily routine.

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane mushroom has properties similar brain-derived neurotrophic (BDNF), though it is not limited to the nervous system. It promotes the production BDNF which supports nerve cell growth and improves cognitive function. It also reduces depression and anxiety.

Lion’s Mane has been shown to effectively reduce symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease and prevent diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and high blood pressure. Animal studies have even demonstrated its efficacy at lowering triglycerides – making it an excellent natural remedy for heart health.

One of the more notable effects of mushroom is their ability stimulate new nerve development. This is great for individuals recovering from neurological injury, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well those suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Lion’s Mane may reduce feelings of depression and stress by modulating immune response. Additionally, its ability to improve mental focus may help increase the production of acetylcholine.

Lion’s Mane comes in a variety of forms, including food products and supplements. Because supplements aren’t regulated as closely by the Food and Drug Administration as prescription drugs are, it is wise to look for third-party verified products or consult with a registered dietitian nutritionist prior to taking them.

Lion’s Mane powder or capsules can be bought to make tea. They are also great for adding to recipes, such as soups and dishes. Roasting the mushroom gives it a taste that is similar to lobster. The chewy texture of this mushroom can also be used as a meat replacement! Psychonutritionist Shawn Talbott noted its versatility. Its subtle yet mild taste pairs perfectly with sweet items such as ginger or taro for delicious results.


Cordyceps – a well-known antiaging remedy – also increases energy, stamina and endurance. It does this by increasing the oxygen levels in the blood. This helps you exercise for longer periods and reduces fatigue. Cordyceps promotes immune health by boosting white blood cell production and suppressing proinflammatory chemicals to create antiinflammatory benefits.

Mushrooms have antioxidants that neutralize free-radicals, which damage and age the human body. This makes them an effective antiaging remedy. Further, mushrooms have been shown to have anti-microbial as well anti-tumor and liver system properties.

People drink mushroom tea because of its high concentration of vitamins and mineral essentials for their health and well-being. Mushrooms contain vitamins and minerals in abundance; many varieties also provide high amounts of protein. A cup of mushrooms tea will provide you with the essential amino acids required for building and maintaining muscle tissues.

Cordyceps are a unique mushroom that contains compounds such as polysaccharides (ergosterol) and ergosterol. These compounds may be responsible for the health benefits. Studies on laboratory animals have shown that cordyceps mushrooms are anticancer. They inhibit cancerous cell growth and encourage programmed cell deaths through apoptosis. Cordyceps mushroom also has antioxidative qualities that can reduce oxidative stresses in the body, while reducing inflammation.

Cordyceps may also help lower blood sugar levels, making it an excellent treatment option for those living with diabetes. Studies have also shown that cordyceps has a positive impact on heart health, as it inhibits atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol levels.

Cordyceps helps Yak herders to absorb oxygen and is therefore especially helpful in high altitudes. Moreover, it can help men who suffer from sexual dysfunction. It does this by increasing sperm and testosterone levels.

Turkey Tail

Trametes versicolor mushrooms, commonly referred to as turkey tail extracts or simply turkey tail mushrooms, boast vibrant appearances and healing powers. These fungi can be found in the moist, shaded forest of Asia and North America. The fungi feed off organic material such as rotting logs and trees.

Turkey tail benefits include strengthening the immune system and increasing energy levels, helping stave off infections while simultaneously increasing energy. Turkey tail mushrooms contain B-glucans – unique polysaccharides in their cell walls which target immune receptors in your body to stimulate an accelerated immune response – targeting them specifically as B-glucans target specific receptors to increase your immunity response. These mushrooms also contain adaptogens which are herbal compounds designed to relieve stress and increase energy.

Turkey Tail can provide many health benefits beyond immune boosting, including anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant support, and cancer fighting qualities. One of the unique compounds found in turkey tail, Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK), has been the subject of intensive research because of its potential to fight cancer. PSK has shown that it can even improve patients’ responses to chemotherapy treatments by strengthening their immunity.

Turkey tail extracts are well-known for their ability to improve liver and gut health. They can reduce inflammation and fat accumulation in the liver, two areas that can lead to jaundice and other liver-related problems. Furthermore, turkey tail extracts have also been proven to improve brain function while slowing the aging process, including memory loss.

Cancerous tumors’ ability to suppress the immune system is one of the reasons they thrive. Turkey tail could help to stop tumor growth by enhancing the immune system. Animal studies have shown that it can strengthen bones and prevent bone loss caused by some cancer treatments.

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